
Eel Garden Dive Site

Eel Garden Aqaba dive site is the place to go if you are interested in the “small things”. Shrimp Fish, Ghost Pipe Fish and Pipe Horses. Other marine life are usually hiding in the black corals. The pinnacle where you can have your safety stop is filled with Lionfish, Murenas and other interesting small marine creatures and life.

Eel garden aqaba dive site

Dive Site Information

Aqaba diving site name
Site Name:

Eel Garden Dive Site

Aqaba diving site accessibility

Shore, Boat

Aqaba diving site difficulty
Difficulty Level:

Beginner, Intermediate

Aqaba diving site hotspots
Site Hot Spots:
Aqaba diving site depth range
Depth Range:

5 ~ 24 Meters

Aqaba diving site distance from shore
Distance from Shore:

30 Meters

Aqaba diving snorkeling site
Suitable for Snorkeling:


Aqaba diving site Natural features - specs
Site Natural Features:

Black Corals, Soft Corals Pinnacle, table Corals, Shrimp Fish, Ghost Pipe Fish, Lionfish and Pipe Horses

Aqaba diving site status
Diving Site Status:


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